
By DanielClaypool

How Email Marketing Helps You

3 Ways E-mail Marketing Helps Create Customers and more Revenue

Today, marketers have many, many modern and fun marketing platforms. On social media platforms, they get to pin pictures, post YouTube videos, sponsor ads, and run social media contests. It seems e-mail has been left in the dust. Or, has it? Despite the marketing variety available, reports that 67% of marketers still believe e-mail marketing to be their core way of boosting their ROI and cutting marketing costs. Why? Well, consider this, a Merkle study revealed that 74% of consumers still prefer to receive marketing literature by e-mail and, 91% of consumers check their e-mails daily? These marketers know that, for their advertisements to be welcomed a daily basis, e-mail marketing is the way to go. Let’s take a closer look at how e-mail marketing can help you grow your business.

E-mail marketing creates greater and more lucrative sales.

Amazingly, a Direct Marketing Association study showed that e-mail marketing has an ROI of 4,300%. It also found that 66% of consumers have bought a product because of a marketing e-mail. Even more significant, an eMarketers study found that, customers are 3X more likely to buy a product after receiving a marketing e-mail and, once customers choose to purchase, they spend 17% more than those who decide to buy on a social media platform. The effects of e-mail marketing in growing your customer-base obviously cannot be duplicated.

Through e-mail marketing, you create greater trust, customer loyalty and sales.

Though your customers undoubtedly love your brand, brands are easily forgotten in their busy day-to-day shuffles. So, you must remind your customers of your valuable offers so they can show their loyalty when they need your products. Still, you are going to need at least 6 exposures to a new company product to get even your loyal customers to try them. And, after opting in on your e-mail marketing list, your customers are expecting and even welcoming such e-mails. Therefore, your e-mail marketing campaign is the best way to make room for such frequent exposure without seeming obnoxious and, thereby, making potential customers walk away. And, without the obnoxious component that is part of a lot of advertising, your customers learn to like and trust your company for graciously granting them their wish of receiving regular e-mail communication from you. This trust is sure to bring in life-long customers.

See also  Make Use of Email Marketing to Promote Your Products

E-mail marketing increases website traffic, creating a more enduring and lucrative overall online campaign.

Your e-mail marketing is one of the best ways to boost your search engine rankings. With a simple social media share button, an invite to visit your site, or a promotion code, you invite your customers to visit your site or invite others to do so. As your traffic and shares increase, your ranking on search engine results pages rises. A boosted search engine ranking makes it possible for your customers to find you more easily even when you aren’t directly marketing to them. So, your advertisement investment just keeps giving back to your company with no extra effort or investment on your part.

Among top marketers, e-mail advertising is here to stay. Not only does it boosts sales and create loyal-life time customers, but if gifts you with higher search engine rankings, initiating a perpetually growing customer-base. Therefore, e-mail marketing may be old-school but it is sure to be a top-strategic tool in business growth for years to come!

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